My Mission
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
-Matthew 28:19
My mission is to "Go". Go and make disciples of all the world.
For the past few years, I have been serving in a variety of capacities with Global Missionary Enterprises (GME). GME is an organization started by my grandparents in 1985 but more importantly, it is a ministry that I believe in. I am thankful for my grandparents and my mother and father for being Godly examples and giving me a heritage that has opened the door for so many opportunities to serve.
One of the ways I serve is through worship ministry. I absolutely love playing the piano, singing, and writing songs; it is something that God has given me both a passion and gifting for. I have been blessed with opportunities to lead worship at several city-wide church events as well as at churches and small groups.
God has also given me a desire to see my generation saved and transformed by the Gospel. I have seen that they are looking for more in life, seeking something deeper. Over the last several years, I've been hosting and facilitating youth and young adult Bible Studies. I have noticed a genuine hunger to dive deeper into the Word and reach out to the lost of our generation. We've had several young adults come to our Bible study, and it has been exciting to see them find a real relationship with the Lord. I love seeing lives transformed by God.
I was also intricately involved in the planning, organizing, and opening of GME Thrift Emporium in Portage la Prairie, specifically with the development and running of the coffee shop. Managing this specialty coffee shop has been an amazing opportunity to be a part of and get to know the community. It has been a tremendous blessing and pleasure to help GME in setting up the thrift store and serving the community.
In May of 2023 I had the privilege of attending an evangelism training course with Christ for All Nations Canada (Fire Camp). There, the call on my life became even more clear to me: to go and evangelize and to reach people with the Gospel. I also had the opportunity to attend a YWAM discipleship training school in June 2023. as apart of this training program we spent 2 months in Cambodia. To see a report, click this link!
I ask for your prayers and intercession, If you feel led to support me financially, please click on the link to make a one-time or a recurring donation. Thank you for your support. May God bless you and keep you as you live out the purpose and calling He has for you.

"How beautiful are the feet, of those who go and preach"
Romans 10:15
My Story
Hi my name is Hannah and I grew up with two amazing Christian parents who always showed me what it is like to live a life fully surrendered to Christ. It wasn't until my senior year in high school however that I started to take my walk with God more seriously. Throughout high school I struggled with anxiety and fear; fear of what the future holds and what to do with my life. I was constantly worried about what people around me would think, and I began to putting my identity in the opinions of others. I started to see that I didn't really have my own relationship with God; instead, I was feeding off of my parents relationship with Him. Sure, I always believed in Jesus, but that is where my faith started and stopped.
I felt very lost and began crying out to God. As He began to reveal Himself to me, His presence became real in my life. Jesus started to draw me closer to Him and as I spent time getting to know Him, I also began to experience what it was like to have a real relationship with Him. God changed my life around and now that my identity is in Him as of a child of God (Galatians 4:6-7), I trust that He will guide my path each step of the way (Proverbs 3:5-6).
God also started changing my heart for the people around me. I started seeing how hopeless, scared, hurt and lost people are without God. I wanted to share with them the same hope and truth that He has shown me: "that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever should believe in Him would have eternal life” (John 3:16). It is so crazy that the Creator of the universe - the Creator of you and me - loves us. In fact, He loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus down to earth to die on the cross for our sins. God started to stir within me the great commission: “to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all the world” (Mark 16:15) and to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19). My mission therefore is to "Go" forth and preach the Gospel, wherever I go, with whomever I can.
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*Best way to contact
1 (204) 872-8600