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Kingdom Projects

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Matthew 25:40

And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to Me."

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New Vehicle
Betlaada Teen Challenge

We are thrilled to report that we accomplished our 2023 summer project goal of raising $27,000 for the purchase of a van for Betlaada teen Challenge in Nigeria. In fact, we ended up needing almost $28,000 due to the currency exchange and that is what we received through many generous donations! Raymond Ajagbe, the director of Betlaada, was amazed at the generosity of those supporting the work and helping to provide a hope and future for men that have had very little in the way of love and opportunity in their lives. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!

GME strongly believes in this work and we are sending 500$ per month to help with their operating costs. Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of Betlaada by using this link. You will receive monthly reports from Raymond that keep you updated!


Church Roof
Coolshade Miracle Church

The church is undergoing major renovations to replace the wooden rafters and metal sheet roof with a concrete slab roof which is more durable during the annual hurricane season. The current roof rafters are over 40 years old and have rotted and been eaten by termites.  This has created a somewhat critical need, as during major hurricanes the church is considered a shelter and refuge for those lacking adequate protection from the winds in the area. Also, the housing structures owned by the pastor and his family that are a part of the mission and church property are in dire need of concrete and roof repairs. The area is subject to extreme humidity during the rainy season, which is often followed by droughts in the winter and spring seasons, and this is hard on buildings as well as the people.

Click here for more info about Cool Shade Miracle Church. 

Recent Projects

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Men's Dormitory
Betlaada Teen Challenge
Ibadan, Nigeria

At the beginning of 2022, GME partnered with Betlaada Teen Challenge to build a men's dormitory. This building is a refuge for those suffering from addictions; it gives these men a place to hear the Gospel, grow in their faith and be set free. While the dormitory is generally complete (along with a water tower), there were some other items that were urgently needed to make the space safe and comfortable. 

GME committed to raising $6,500 CAD for the following items:

  • 10 mattresses, $70 each × 10 = $700

  • Gasoline generator $830

  • 4 solar security lights + poles, $250 ea × 4 = $1,000

  • Ceiling (to help reduce heat), 230 pieces at $9 ea = $2,070 + Tyrod and Nails $100 + Workmanship $250 = $2,420

The funds were successfully raised, and the project has been completed. We are again thankful to the Lord and our donors for enabling us to assist this ministry.

More info about Betlaada Teen Challenge

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Men's Dormitory
Betlaada Teen Challenge
Ibadan, Nigeria

GME was privileged to partner with Raymond Ajagbe and Betlaada Adult & Teen Challenge to build a men's dorm that can house 50 men in Ibadan, Nigeria. Raymond has been trained by Global Teen Challenge and he is the official director of Betlaada Adult & Teen Challenge Nigeria. He administers the 1-year Teen Challenge program for all those that enter his doors, similar to the program here in Canada. Raymond has an agreement with the local prisons to accept and help men who would otherwise be left in prison because the authorities have no where to release them. Imprisonment was better than to sending them back onto the streets! Now, with a permanent facility, Raymond will be able to take in some of these men and disciple them to live for the Lord and get back on their feet.  GME is grateful to Rob Hinz and Pastor John Drisner from Saskatoon who spear-headed the fund raising efforts for this project. Thanks to our generous supporters, GME was able to send $38,000 CAD to complete this project.

Past Projects

Click here for information about past completed projects

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