Beginning Sunday January 7th, 2024
How does The Well Differ from Traditional Church?
The Well is more interactive and intimate then a traditional Sunday morning church service. We gather in a way that promotes interaction with one another during worship and sharing times. This facilitates a more open and transparent meeting that encourages genuine fellowship and spiritual growth.
What is the Significance of a Well?
In Bible times a well was an important source of water and life. It was a place where people would come to sustain their need for water because the climate of Israel was hot and dry. Without wells the people were unable to thrive and sustain their lives.
Wells provided opportunities for people to meet and connect. In John chapter 4 we have the story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan women at Jacob's well. Jesus would use this opportunity to share that he was the source of abundant and everlasting spiritual life, "whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4.14).
In the biblical context, wells hold a significant spiritual meaning and symbolism. They are not just sources of water, but they represent a deeper spiritual connection to God and His provision.
What is the Vision of The Well?
In John chapter 4 we read about the encounter that Jesus had with a Samaritan women at a well. Through this interaction Jesus deeply impacted the woman and her community. The women was searching for something to fill the empty void that only God could fill. Jesus showed her that what she really needed was living water that would give her a deep and lasting life. Through this brief encounter the women was changed and became excited about Jesus and goes back to her village and shares her testimony. Many come and listened to Jesus and believed the truth that he was the savior of the world.
Our vision is to provide a place for people to come and experience true and lasting life. The life that can only come from a relationship with the Jesus Christ. The strategy is simple: people have an encounter with Jesus and their lives are changed, they then become excited and share their testimony and others come and see for themselves.
This is accomplished in the following ways:
Teaching the bible as the living word of God. The bible contains the whole counsel of God and is taught from beginning (Genesis) to end (Revelation).
Reaching the many nations and immigrants that are now represented in our area. We desire to see a growing family of believers that is multicultural and where all shades of skin colour are welcome.
Proclaiming the full gospel message: Jesus Christ our Deliverer, Holy Spirit Baptizer, Healer, and King.
Equipping believers to walk in a life of victory and freedom through the power and work of the Holy Spirit, so that we can have an impact on the world around us. We are "spirit filled" and directed in our ministry approach.
Encountering a living and active God in our times of worship, "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4.24).
Praying and seeking the Lord for direction, wisdom, and provision in everything that we do. We practice prayer and fasting as a personal and corporate discipline.
If you are interested in finding out more or have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out by using the following contact information.
Mobile: (204) 679-7425